Friday, April 25, 2008

S-522 -- the horror (for Operations)

A 522 Completion Code indicates that the System was in a Wait State. Whenever a command or request is made by the Operating System, and a response is not forthcoming within 30 minutes, the job is automatically terminated with a 522 Storage Dump. The most probable causes are:
  • Operator missed Mount Request message.
  • Operator failed to respond to other System requests.
  • Invalid User Request.
  • Operating System error.

A check with the installation and computer operations should be made to determine specific problem causing the Wait State.

(from "Completion Codes -- A Desk Reference")

I remember TJ (see the Halloween pic with Mac), who had a knack for sleeping while standing up against the tape drives, and the console cranking out Mount Request messages. The horror! ...

Good times.


TJ Galvin aka YoYo said...

It was Tony, Chris, and Jim's fault for keeping me up for 72 hours at a stretch.

Joe C. said...

Question - "Hey, what's a SOC4?"
Response - "To keep your foot warm you idiot!"

(a Bobby Rodgers favorite)