Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Contact wish list

  • Eddie Hart

  • Jerry Ford

  • Dave a.k.a. "Mac"

  • TJ Galvin, the red-head

  • TJ, the athlete

Looks like Cpl. Couture hung out with too many non-rates (at the time)! How about:

  • Gunny Beckett

  • Charlie Palmer

Alan Jones... may he Rest in Peace

How about Scott Saxman? He married the girl named Sue.

How about Paul K. Stubbs?


Joe C. said...

And we cannot forget Osmond Dyke!

Bob R. said...

- Sgt Larry Witt (complete with 8646 should-have-been 8648 ink smudge marks still on his face... now who would have done that?)
- Chuck Cottrell (I think I still owe him some $$ for a wrecked car!)
- Gerry Ford
- Bill Chisholm
- MSgt Montoya
- Lt Dwyer, AKA Baby Huey (sorry Sir, you prolly never knew...)
- Lt McCallaster(sp?), I ran into
as a LtCol about 4 months ago in Quantico
- Dave Rodrigue
- Gerry Eldridge
- Sgt Nash (check you ego at the door please Bruce...)
- Paul K. Stubbs... yes... I believe he had reconstructive surgery and is now known as Fabio. (Paul, if you see this remember I love you like a brother. Anybody else messes with you and they are DONE!)
- Cpl Darryl Poplar (sp?)
- Cpl Faizen... my NEMESIS!
- Mark Groby, ended up as the 4000 field monitor at HQMC. I wuz his fa-vo-rite turd.
- Bartlett, the man in black.

et al...

Joe C. said...

Who was the tall geeky guy who played D&D with us. Remember, his family (from Florida?) was big into Pharmaceuticals and he was sort of a black sheep? He had the standard issue, black plastic glasses.

Dave D said...

"Barlett" (in black) was DJ Barnett - he's in KCMO, last time I saw or heard from him. So was Ozzy - ran into Oz in the hall during a contract at Sprint. Major Hemseth was there too.
Ran into Bev Geiger at a CA conference in New Orleans a long time ago. She's still married to Scotty.
Paul Stubbs was from my area - I'll have to see if I can locate him. I remember having several chats about how respect was earned, not given simply because he pinned Corporal on his sleeve.
How about:
- Don Mason (the mainframe CE)
- Jim Prunty (ScanData CE)
- Gunny Rodney Ellis (aka Pudge - sorry Gunny, you probably didn't know that either)
- "Darrel Poplar" was actually Pollock or something like that - he took over the coffee mess when I gave it up.
- Tony Cox
- Mike "F" (had the Camero) - worked with Top Rodrigue in ScanData - damn - he was my roommate - you'd think I'd remember his last name!
- Byron M Witte (Chico - ask him what "M" stood for - "Mind your own business" - married to "Mouse" - I beleive he was from Charlston SC)
- Rich Pavlock
- Carl (Karl) Wieseke
- Kenny Berg (a New Yorker - so was Pavlock)
- Gunny Clyde Waddell (Systems)
- Gunner Nichnadarvich (programming)

I have a slew more on a different system - I used to keep track. I think Gunner Simpler still has an old roster......

Gunny Nielsen said...

Bev and Scotty Geiger are 'still friends' but now divorced. All three of the ‘girls’ are grown up, and Bev is having a Great Time being their favorite Grandmother [not that makes ME feel Old (wink)] while she works as a real estate broker in ‘middle’ of Virginia.